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A Space for Truth

Welcome to New Creation Fellowship Church

Weekly Worship

Join us as we gather in person or virtually every Saturday 5-6:30PM PST at 32382 Del Obispo St, Suite B7, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675​

What We Believe

At NCFC, we are seeking ways of being (not doing) church. We are on a mission to live out Heaven on Earth by cultivating a community of mature sons of God who choose to transform Earth with the reality of Heaven.


Our vision is rooted in the belief that every person is destined to live from Heaven and experience the abundant life that Jesus promised. This is possible through a deep intimacy with God, true awareness of His unconditional love for them, acknowledgment of their identity in Jesus Christ, and acceptance of Jesus' full and complete finished work.


For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.

Romans 8:18-19

Discipleship Training

Are you a Christian seeking the abundant life promised by Jesus but finding yourself caught in the struggles of stress, pain, exhaustion, and relational challenges? Perhaps you are faithful in attending church, leading a small group, and genuinely love the Lord, but you know something isn't working.


It's time to break free and step into the victorious, abundant life that is your inheritance as a Christian. Seize the chance to live a victorious life in every area. The abundant life is awaiting you!

Get Connected

Here at New Creation Fellowship Church, we always have exciting services, training, outreach and events happening for you to join. Together we live our faith by learning, growing and being equipped and sharpened to live the victory Jesus provided. At NCFC, we desire for you to receive all that God has provided for you and truly live out the reality of your complete unity with Jesus.

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